Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006

August 28, 2006
Switzerland is the most magical place on earth. Aaaahhhhh.. sweet serenity combined with extreme adventures. Interlaken is breathtaking. Forget about everthing else we have said, this place wins the gold medal by a landslide and we have the pictures, video, memories and adrenaline to prove it! From the crystal clear glistening lakes to the snowcapped mountains down through the forests and all before noon, WOW what a magical town. We have hiked, mountain biked, strolled, went inside caves over 1 mile into the mountains. Inside the caves we witnessed: Natural waterslides, waterfalls, pools of the freshest water on earth, stalagmites, stalagtites, mirrored lakes, and all kinds of other biological wonders, not to mention some cave kisses. Oh and today, SAM grew some serious balls and decided that she should skydive, but not just plain skydive, she decided to do it off of a helicopter over 14,000 feet above the Swiss Alps. The helicopter had NO doors and could only hold 4 people at a time. I had to sit with my feet hanging over the side of the OPEN door as we climed 14,000 feet. Roland, my instructor said" Put your feet on the ski bar ( if youv'e seen a helicopter you know what I mean!), now put your haed back and knees in". I looked down into the snow filled clouds and we JUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, he jumped but I was kinda attached to him... we were freefalling for 45 seconds before the chute opened. It was the coolest most exhilerating 45 seconds of my life! After that we sailed around the cliffs, mountains, waterfalls, valleys for 7 minutes, all the time a PERMAGRIN on my face! What a day. What a day. I think I might just have to do it again soon...
People here are extremelly friendly and welcoming. It is impossible to be in a bad mood in this town.Impossible. We might stay a few more days so we can hike alittle, bike alittle, skydive alittle...more. Nuff said. This Place ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Love always from the most beautiful place on earth- Adrenaline junkies forever- Sam and Brad
August 30, 2006
We don't even know where to begin, I guess we will just let the pictures speak for themselves! Brad got to go skydiving, and Sam got to go AGAIN!!! How sweet it is...
Friday, August 25, 2006
O.k, we messed up and decided not to bring our expensive cameras to the beaches in the French Riviera. Shame on us...don´t worry team because we bought a disposable camera and filled it with lovely picures that you will all just have to wait to see.
We stayed in Nice, visted Cannes, saw the famous Red Carpet, took the most scenic bus ride of our lives through the cliffs of Cap d´ail, where we snorkeled with thousands of fish. We swam into deep dark caves with lots of Great White Sharks and electric eels ( just kidding about the sharks and eels Mom). We then headed to beautiful Monaco where the scent of money was overwhelming, (Shannon, it made me nautious)...1 Ferrari, 2 Ferrari, 3 Ferrari f-e-r-r-a-r-i he he he. The ritzy Monte Carlo did not allow us in,we think it was because of our beautiful tans, or maybe it was the bathing suits and sandals. How ridiculous is that, I mean we are THEE Sam and Brad of the USA. Whatever, they dont need our 50 dollars anyway; so we went for icecream and walked the streets and corridors of lovely Nice. Switzerland is next...Interlaken Baby love always from the Ferrari-est place on earth...The French Riviera
We stayed in Nice, visted Cannes, saw the famous Red Carpet, took the most scenic bus ride of our lives through the cliffs of Cap d´ail, where we snorkeled with thousands of fish. We swam into deep dark caves with lots of Great White Sharks and electric eels ( just kidding about the sharks and eels Mom). We then headed to beautiful Monaco where the scent of money was overwhelming, (Shannon, it made me nautious)...1 Ferrari, 2 Ferrari, 3 Ferrari f-e-r-r-a-r-i he he he. The ritzy Monte Carlo did not allow us in,we think it was because of our beautiful tans, or maybe it was the bathing suits and sandals. How ridiculous is that, I mean we are THEE Sam and Brad of the USA. Whatever, they dont need our 50 dollars anyway; so we went for icecream and walked the streets and corridors of lovely Nice. Switzerland is next...Interlaken Baby love always from the Ferrari-est place on earth...The French Riviera
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona...Beautiful people, beautiful beaches, beautiful lanscape, SHITTY FOOD, but not as bad as Paris. We know, we know the French are supposed to have the food thing down, but when you are on a budget all you eat are baguettes, and one can only eat so many freakin baguettes! Barcelona was fabulous and we met some super cool people who took us out local style and showed us an amazing evening. 1 mojito, 2 mojito, 3 mojito, floor. We truly enjoyed watching the poor bartender make us mojitos all night, does that make us bad people-----Our hostel was nice and clean, and the owner was a super sweet guy who took us out for pizza on our first night at a local pizza place....seriously some of the best pizza we have ever had! Homemade hotsauce.Delicious. We took a day trip to Tibidado, which is situated at the highest point of the city and offers breathtaking views of Barcelona, almost worth the horrific, annoying, crazy, sticky, stinky 3 hours excurion to get there. We decided that there should be a battle of standstill street performers because they are EVERYWHERE and they usually really suck .
All they do is sit there all day and expect you to give them money. We thought maybe we could dress up in our old Bandera uniforms and pour rotisserie chicken juice on eachother and maybe we could make some money so we wouldnt have to eat anymore freakin baguettes! Our Spanish, however did come in really handy. Love all of you, From the Stanstill street performer capital of the world....Sam and Brad
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Parlez-Vous Anglais? These are words to live by in France; the bed bugs are starting to FINALLY get better, and it's true, the wine IS cheaper than water here.... not so good for alcholics.... but perfect for us! Paris is everything we ever hoped and so so much more. Love is in the air and we are so grateful to have this opportunity to be here together and to be SO VERY MUCH IN LOVE!!!
The people here are great, we bought a French phrase book and are actually sucessfully conversing (roughly) with local Parisians! The sights are amazing and more beautiful in person, the Eiffel tower is HUGE ( quite an eyesore actually, he he); The Louvre is absoluely ridiculous, as we spent almost 7 hrs inside and didn't see half of it; The Mona Lisa has a crush on Brad, or at leat that's what he thinks ( she watched me walk across the room too!) We all know about Brads sweet tooth, let's just say he isn't having ANY problems here! We are off to Barcelona, Spain tomorrow to PARTY ON THE BEACH!!!!!Finally we can catch some rays( and hopefully a buzz)! With love from the make-out capital of the world-Sam and Brad
p.s. We have decided that Paris is so romantic because everyone is always on a wine buzz-

Bedbugs, cancelled flights, and marijuana, OH MY!
Oh, let's not forget about the Red light district, creepy!
It took 16 hours to get there, our hostel was NASTY, we got bedbugs, but we had a BLAST!!!! There is nothing like french fries and mayo in Holland. And to answer all of your questions....we did not smoke any weed, but who needs to when you walk around all day with a contact high anyway! The Red Light District was unique. to say the least... We'll leave it at that. We were only here for 24 hours, and we surely made the best of it! It was pouring rain upon our departure anyway. On to Paris! With love from the "highest" place on Earth- Sam and Brad
Friday, August 11, 2006
Hello there to all of our friends and family! We want to let you all know that we are safe in London and having a wonderful time with our good pal Scottie! The architecture here is insane (Kevin you would be amazed!), and the history of this city is prevalent throught the buildings, palaces, and old castles and churches. It was awesome to walk for hours down the Thames River, hand in hand, making fun of all of the tourists...wait a second, oh yeah, that's us too! We prefer to call ourselves "travelers". Riding the tube is easier than riding the "EL" but one must make sure to "Mind The Gap" he he he I guess you'll have to experience it for yourselves. The exchange rate is simply disgusting. London is BY FAR the most expensive place ever, but it is cool nonetheless. Had dinner for Brad's birthday last night and chowed down on some fresh veggies, Seabass for Brad and of course ...the vino. Next stop Amsterdam...look out.
O.K...let's just say...flight cancelled, the ferry it is, and it will only take us 12 hours more, yippee. Wow, can you sense the sarcasm. By the way, have fun trying to find a public restroom ANYWHERE in London, and you have to pay for them, that is in the odd chance that you find one. Pictures soon, we promise. We love you guys and girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! With love from London, the most expensive place on earth- Brad & Sam
O.K...let's just say...flight cancelled, the ferry it is, and it will only take us 12 hours more, yippee. Wow, can you sense the sarcasm. By the way, have fun trying to find a public restroom ANYWHERE in London, and you have to pay for them, that is in the odd chance that you find one. Pictures soon, we promise. We love you guys and girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! With love from London, the most expensive place on earth- Brad & Sam
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Dublin rocked, but Edinburgh is so pristine it's surreal. We are exhausted just from turning our heads to view all of the majestic landscapes and castles. Th Edinburgh castle is by far the coolest thing we have ever seen, but we know that there is sooooo much more to come. It WILL be hard to top Edinburgh...the people, the Fringe Festival (Greg and Michael would be in heaven here!), the castle, the music, the hostel, the pints, the haggis, neeps & tattis, everything is PERFECT here. We are going to see a show tonight called "Bangers and Mash" We shit you not! We are only going to see it because of the title, Sam almost wet herself when she saw the flyer for it! Cheers! Miss you already! But we really miss the weather inside Bandera the most..ha ha ha -Bangers and Mash
Thursday, August 03, 2006
We're here!!!!!!!! DUBLIN KICKS SOME SERIOUS A * $ ! AND YES, The Guinness is better in IRELAND!!! Wow, Dublin is beautiful. The cathedrals, the Liffey, all of the Pubs & live Irish jig music( Brad said it reminds him of theTitanic he he he), the shops, the restaurants, Trinity College, the absolutely gorgeous parks, amazing street performers, and all of the sweet locals. All this and we have only been here for 48 hrs! Oh yeah, the Dublin Castle!!!! More news to come, and hopefully some pictures! By the way, our hostel is awesome and located right in the heart of Dublin. Miss you all already- Bangers and Mash