August 28, 2006
Switzerland is the most magical place on earth. Aaaahhhhh.. sweet serenity combined with extreme adventures. Interlaken is breathtaking. Forget about everthing else we have said, this place wins the gold medal by a landslide and we have the pictures, video, memories and adrenaline to prove it! From the crystal clear glistening lakes to the snowcapped mountains down through the forests and all before noon, WOW what a magical town. We have hiked, mountain biked, strolled, went inside caves over 1 mile into the mountains. Inside the caves we witnessed: Natural waterslides, waterfalls, pools of the freshest water on earth, stalagmites, stalagtites, mirrored lakes, and all kinds of other biological wonders, not to mention some cave kisses. Oh and today, SAM grew some serious balls and decided that she should skydive, but not just plain skydive, she decided to do it off of a helicopter over 14,000 feet above the Swiss Alps. The helicopter had NO doors and could only hold 4 people at a time. I had to sit with my feet hanging over the side of the OPEN door as we climed 14,000 feet. Roland, my instructor said" Put your feet on the ski bar ( if youv'e seen a helicopter you know what I mean!), now put your haed back and knees in". I looked down into the snow filled clouds and we JUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, he jumped but I was kinda attached to him... we were freefalling for 45 seconds before the chute opened. It was the coolest most exhilerating 45 seconds of my life! After that we sailed around the cliffs, mountains, waterfalls, valleys for 7 minutes, all the time a PERMAGRIN on my face! What a day. What a day. I think I might just have to do it again soon...
People here are extremelly friendly and welcoming. It is impossible to be in a bad mood in this town.Impossible. We might stay a few more days so we can hike alittle, bike alittle, skydive alittle...more. Nuff said. This Place ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Love always from the most beautiful place on earth- Adrenaline junkies forever- Sam and Brad
August 30, 2006
We don't even know where to begin, I guess we will just let the pictures speak for themselves! Brad got to go skydiving, and Sam got to go AGAIN!!! How sweet it is...
All I can say is "wow!" Keep having a sweet, sweet time!
Oh, what wonderful memories!! Switzerland has to be one of my favorites too!! Of course I didn't sky-dive, but I have such beautiful mental pictures! IF you get anywhere close to Zermatt, Switzerland, I highly recommend that you visit. It's a wonderful village at the base of the Matterhorn. . . No cars allowed!! Goat herders bring their goats through the middle of the town on a daily basis on their way to their pastures. . . . You can take a cable car up the mountains and you can even ski at this time of the year!! Also, in the middle of the village, there is a most interesting cemetery. . . the final resting place for many mountain climbers who tried to climb the Matterhorn. Very moving!! Safe journey to you both. I work with your Mom, Sam, and I have two adventurous sons. . . the ones who climbed Mt. Kilamanjaro and Oconcagua! I'm enjoying your adventures along with everyone else here at Delta Systems. Sandy
awesome pics guys... brad, never fear, Shane still holds the title for least graceful skydiver... we didn't get a chance to say goodbye to u guys, but... we'll always have Interlaken...(single tear) Happy trails guys, from Monte Carlo.
How did I MISS THIS BOAT? I didn't know that you guys had this wedsite! Best idea EVER!! SAM...I went skydiving with Roland in Switzerland...small world! Glad you enjoyed the jump:) I can't wait until you write again, I will be checking your website everyday:) Have so much fun and be safe. Everyone asks about you two...you are missed. Love Ya, Lindsay
Hey I love Interloken. When you were in the fields up in the Alps, didn't you feel like you were in the move Sound of Music. "the music is in the air " Also please tell me you tried the Fondue or the Rocklette, its the bomb.
I know you're supposedly lactose intolerant, but it's so good. Also did you go river rafting and did you stay at Balmers ? Also how much Toberolone did you have.
Hi guys! This is the first time I've seen the blog and the pics!You both look amazing!!(wink wink) I'm so proud of you both...you guys are full of courage, passion, love, life, the list goes on and on:) I can't wait for you guys to get back so I can come visit...or if you feel like another trip you can come back to NY! I've moved and life is very different here now...I'll explain later. Love you guys!!!!!!!
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