Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona...Beautiful people, beautiful beaches, beautiful lanscape, SHITTY FOOD, but not as bad as Paris. We know, we know the French are supposed to have the food thing down, but when you are on a budget all you eat are baguettes, and one can only eat so many freakin baguettes! Barcelona was fabulous and we met some super cool people who took us out local style and showed us an amazing evening. 1 mojito, 2 mojito, 3 mojito, floor. We truly enjoyed watching the poor bartender make us mojitos all night, does that make us bad people-----Our hostel was nice and clean, and the owner was a super sweet guy who took us out for pizza on our first night at a local pizza place....seriously some of the best pizza we have ever had! Homemade hotsauce.Delicious. We took a day trip to Tibidado, which is situated at the highest point of the city and offers breathtaking views of Barcelona, almost worth the horrific, annoying, crazy, sticky, stinky 3 hours excurion to get there. We decided that there should be a battle of standstill street performers because they are EVERYWHERE and they usually really suck .
All they do is sit there all day and expect you to give them money. We thought maybe we could dress up in our old Bandera uniforms and pour rotisserie chicken juice on eachother and maybe we could make some money so we wouldnt have to eat anymore freakin baguettes! Our Spanish, however did come in really handy. Love all of you, From the Stanstill street performer capital of the world....Sam and Brad
Hi Sam & Brad !
Your Mom sent me the link to check out your travels.Your stories keep you on the edge for more and the photos - to beautiful. How lucky are you both ?? :) Anthony is on on his way home to NY from Munich , Germany saturday. He is looking forward to being home.Have some fun for us :) Prayers for a Safe and Fun trip to you both! Juanita & Todd
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