Baby Joey the Kangaroo says HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Airlie beach and the Whitsundays!!!! December 27, 2009- January 1, 2010!!
Happy New Year to all of you! We sincerely hope that everyone had as an amazing New Year's Eve as we did! It was awesome, but it took just a few gruelling bus hours to get to Airlie Beach where we rang in the New Year with sweat, sweat, and more sweat. . .
After spending Christmas at Byron Bay, were ready to head to the world Famous Gold Coast and the Whitsunday Islands. . .Tough life, we know. The catch? A 22 hour Greyhound bus ride. Woo Hoo. We were dreading it so much because we barely made it through the last bus ride alive. . . and it was only 12 hours. How on earth were we going to keep this interesting and palatable ( I only use that word because I get so car sick life is absolute hell for me on these bus rides. No more pukies pleeeeaaaasssee??) Brad decided that we should play a game. He said" Let's take a photo each hour and hold up our fingers to show how many hours it has been". Sounds easy enough, right?

The above photo was taken a mere four hours into the seemingly impossible journey.
The first few hours were all fun and games. Silly photos, lots of laughs, and definitely some interesting activities (we actually made a crossword puzzle for all of you guys! Look for it on the blog soon!). Then after the reality set in that we were going to run out of fingers before this nauseabus terminated, the depression started to sink in and Brad's wonderful idea just made me pissed off. How do you say "over it" in Australian? Not a G'day mate!!!!! he he he
No one, and I mean NO ONE would like to be woken up just after they were able to finally fall asleep after 15 hours, just to hold up a notebook for a stupid photo. I will get you for that one honey. Look how sleepy I look. He just kept writing the numbers on that damn notebook and waking me every hour. Funny Huh? Yeah, I'll show you funny.
After this indeterminate, infinite, interminable, limitless, measureless, monotonous, multitudinous journey finally came to a halt, he begged for just one more photo. The dreaded 22nd hour.
Let's just say that one is not "blog worthy". There are kids reading this blog too.
Ahhhhh paradise, well almost. Let us explain. The beauty of the Whitsunday Islands is rare. These islands are often considered to have some of the most exquisite beaches in the world, and we would have to agree. However, let's just imagine taking a child to a candy store and not allowing them to have any candy. Torture right? That was what the WhitSunday's seem to be for us at first.. . Torture.
At first glance you believe you have entered paradise, yet you are not allowed to even touch the water. Has anyone ever heard of Irukandji jellyfish?? For those who haven't, here is an idea: they are the most deadly of all jellyfish in the world, live in the waters of Northern Australia, are the size of a thumbnail, and oh, yes, invisible. Did we mention that one sting will kill you? OK, so what happens next? We are introduced to the lovely "Stinger Suit". This suit covers every inch of your body, and if you want to go swimming you have to wear it. Fun fun fun. After we got over the idea of being fully covered while we take a dip, we realized that if you can't beat em, join em! So stinger suits it is!!! We decided that the very best way to experience the 74 pristine Whitsunday islands is by boat, so we booked a 3 day cruise around the islands. Yeah baby!
The boat was loaded with travellers from all over the world (we were the only Americans. . . Woo Hoo!), and we were so elated, as this was our first live-aboard boat experience. The 97 foot Schooner is called New Horizon, and it caters to those yearning for a unique and upbeat sailing expedition. There aren't many rules. . . you were even allowed to bring your own alcohol! However, no glass was allowed, so people were showing up with what everyone calls "Goon". Back home we call it "box wine", only box wine doesn't quite affect your brain like Goon does. Just have a look at Brad after only 2 glasses of this shit.
I told him I would get him back. . .
We sailed around many islands, including Hamilton Island. I don't know how many of you know this, but I sent in a video application to audition to be the so-called "care taker" of Hamilton Island, what CNN called the "Best Job In the World". There were millions of applicants, obviously I didn't get the job, but it was fascinating to actually be there! Whitehaven Beach is nothing short of spectacular. We were unable to bring a camera to this beach, so we borrowed this photo to give you and idea of how perfect this beach is. Pretty stunning huh?
We relaxed, swam, read, snorkelled, went scuba diving, ate fabulous meals, drank, and danced on this marvelous vessel. We met so many new friends and can't wait to visit them all over the world!
Reading after a mid afternoon dive. Life is great!

Spending time with each other. . . our favorite pastime.

Sunset over WhiteSunday Island

Just when we thought it couldn't get anymore epic. A full rainbow to welcome us into the evening.
Fancy an early morning dive??? WE DO!!!! We saw so much life under the sea, but some of our favorites from this dive include a few whitetip reef sharks ( don't worry, they are harmless. . . unless provoked!!), massive sea turtles, and the adrenaline charged swimming through sea caves. Can we get a Hell Yeah??!!

That's me cannonballing our two German buddies! Look out below!
After three glorious days on the boat we made it back to Airlie Beach safe and sound. . .with the worst case of sea legs you have ever seen. Actually, at times we both still feel that telltale sway of the Schooner. It was New Years Eve, and who else to party with but our new found buds??
We did our best to clean up, but living out of a backpack limits your abilty to become completely "fresh". Rubin, you've been there. You know what I mean. Everything just starts to get that musty, wet, stagnant smell, that reminds you of that childhood friends' house that you never wanted to have a sleepover. Well, at least we were all in the same boat . . .he he he. We met up with Bleppi and Mo (Germany), Sophie and Laura (Belgium), and Lioiic ( France), I called Lioiic Sparrow, for Jack Sparrow 'cause he looked like a pirate to me. Actually, at first I called him Frenchy he got pissed off, and in his cute little French accent claimed "why does everybody call me Frenchy? Can't you get anymore creative?" Ok, Sparrow it is!!! He named me "California Dreaming". I'm not sure how creative that one is, but I'll take it, at least he didn't call me Sambo.
Mo, Laura, and Sophie at the beginning of the night, before we were all sweating to death! It was 95 degrees, 100 % humidity, and the jampacked bar had no AC, but who needs AC when you are having the best time ever??!! Stinky McStinkerson and the Stink hounds!
Bleppi need to step ouside for some fresh air and what he got was Mo pouring an entire rum and coke on his head to cool him off. I have never seen Brad laugh so hard in my life. It was genius. Geat job Mo! At least Bleppi was a good sport about it. . .

California Dreaming and Sparrow! Woo Hoo!
As the night progressed, we got sweatier. . .

and sweatier. . . (nice hair by the way)

and sweatier. . . Champagne toast anyone?
Alas, we rang in the New Year to the DJ playing the newest Black Eyed Peas anthem, "Tonight's Gonna to be a Good Night". We shed a few tears because we really miss you guys! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and wishing you the very best in 2010!!!!
Ducky was just a tad upset that we locked him in the hostel for New Years Eve, but he was more than overjoyed when we took him to the Lagoon on New Years Day to meet our new friends, and introduce him to "Whalecome to Australia", Bleppi and Mo's pet killer whale. Can you believe that these guys actually travel around with him? Crazy Germans.
Love from the home of stinger suits,endless bus rides, Irukandji's, kangaroo burgers, Goon, and a killer whale named "Whalecome to Austalia" !!!
-California Dreaming, B-rad G
and Ducky!
Wow!! That looks like my kind of fun. Except the killer thumbsize jellies and the buss ride as I too would be sick :(
What a great rainbow..all the pic are great!!
Love baby Kanga. I miss you two!!
Looks like a great Party Party Party!!! To make all these wonderful friends that you can keep in touch with is amazing.
Looking forward to your next adventure in Thailand :)
Love mom
I know what you mean, sambo
Your New Years looked like a lot more fun than ours!!! Two different extremes I guess, you being at 95 degrees and us being at 0 degrees makes the party. We were stuck indoors and had a couple of couples over to play games and get our drink on. I love all the pics and am still jealous. From the coldest place on earth. Brother Mike
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