Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Well, we can both say that we have actually done something that we have always wanted to do, and we were lucky enough to be able to do it in style, thanks Stevo...
We have been travelling throughout Europe and thought that we knew what was up...joke is on us.
We entered a FORIEGN country for the first time. We found out quickly about "Egyption Hospitality" and bought our heart's worth! Cairo is unlike anything that we have encountered, and this is the first time that we have been exposed to pure poverty. People doing what they can do to survive, children working.CHILREN WORKING, of course our tour guide says with pride" young children, 3 or 4, can make carpets because their hands are so small, that's why your carpets are soooo beautiful!" It is hard to be here.
Egypt is difficult.
We had such amazing time and there is so many memories that we can share with you, but we are limited to only a few...
Egyption Hospitality
Ali and his family(traditional Ramadan dinner while observing the sunset over the Giza Pyrmaids)
Chapped asses( Not Sam, her ass was just fine...)
Riding camels
We saw Memhphis, SAKARA, and Dashur pyrmaids.
The poverty was unquestionable. Garbage everywhere, but the smiling faces of the people made us happy to be alive and thankful for all that we have.
The Bazaaar was my favorite place! We were the only tourists and we had an amazing time. Brad and Steve were offered 6 camels for me... thank GOD they said no..
Thanks Stevo...I can't wait until we get to Vegas! BAKSHEESH! PRICELESS!
Just because Brad bad made a move does not make him a bad person!
We went on a Nile Dinner Cruise, awesome...
Shisha, Shisa, Shisa..smoke some and enjoy...
Love from the coolest place to watch the sunset over a pyrmaid-Sam and Brad
Sunday, October 15, 2006

It seems like forever ago...
O.k., here is the deal; we have been slackin' a litttle on the blog so we are going to bring y'all back up to speed. We have been in South Africa for the past week, Cairo, Egypt between October 4-8, and Athens before that. So, we know the blog is out of date, but deal with it o.k? LOL... Internet is expensive and can be difficult to find in some areas, and Bangers and Mash are running low on the funds! Hint, Hint... j/k.
Athens was ancient, huge, smoggy( not nearly as bad as Cairo), packed, hot, and oh, yeah, ancient.
Stray cats filling the streets to capacity, but the historical ruins were what we came to experience, and they did not let us down.
A quick overview of what we saw:
- Temple of Olympius Zeus, which is the largest temple in Greece(mainland), and took over 700 years to bulid!!!!! There were once over 100 columns and there are only 15 columns left. It began construction in 6th century BC!!!
- Roman Agora, which was an old market square where philosophers such as Socrates and Plato would converse with the commonfolk about life, sex, beastiality,and philosophy. Still there?
- Acropolis( high city), there are so many ruins and sites here we will just say that it was SSOOOOOOOOO amazing to be there!The Parthenon and the Temple of Athena Nike were some of our favorites, but we won't continue to bore you with Ancient History, which is what Brad's gelato days have become, thank goodness 'cause his addiction was becoming a serious problem( Shannon, I think you may have the same problem? Chocolate fudge brownie? He he he)
We were also lucky enough to watch the changing of the guards, which is slow and painstakingly tedious for the poor young soldiers. The Colosseum was incredible, but we argue that 70,000 people would NOT fit comfortably here, especialy without their precious ancient "Starbucks" he he. We loved Athens, but it can be a bit shady at night, so we suggest not walking around naked with only your Rolex on, in the middle of the night, screaming "I'm so rich and naked I don't know what to do with myself!"Okay? Will write more ( the good stuff about Cairo) tomorrow! Love from the most Greek Godly place on earth- Bangers and Mash
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I don't practice Santorini.....
For those of you who have heard of all of the beauty that encompasses the Greek Islands, you heard right!!!!! Santorini is a purely volcanic island and the kaleidoscope of colors that captures your eyes is simply amazing. The white washed homes in the villas along the cliffs are a perfect contrast against the turquise sea. It was a bit to touristy for us, but worth the 24 hour transit to get there, or was it? (1 hour bus ride to the 1st ferry, which was a two hour ferry ride to another bus, for 8 hours to a 30 min. bus to the metro,(45 min), to a 10 hour ferry ride to Santorini, to another bus( 30 min) to our final destination. We are still debating if it was worth it, we'll have to let the pictures decide.
We were then off to Ios, which has been considered the "party island" by many , many, many people. But, fortunatly (another topic of debate, he he he) for us we arrived during the slow season. We owned the island, it was the perfect oasis, and we actually found a place right on the beach for 20 euros a night!!!! Long lazy days on the beach (Sam finally got the courage to go topless), followed by long lazy nights on the beach, watching the brillant sunsets and playing Yahtzee until the candles burned out. This island was extremely romatic and gave us a well needed break from the hussle and bussle of travelling. No, it's not ALL fun and games people. We work very hard at: our tans, finding delicious places to eat, finding the "perfect" local beers, relaxing, swimming( it's exhausting!), walking around town, and loving eachother, well actually we don't work hard at that, it just comes naturally! We love all of you and miss you!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxox From the most Cycladic place on earth, Sam and Brad
Sunday, October 01, 2006

The craziest thing happened...
After the heavy rains in Croatia we stumbled upon an Ouzo bottle that had been washed ashore by the heavy storms. Inside the bottle was a Pink bracelet with a map encoded on the back. It was an ancient treasure map of the Island of Corfu, Greece, and promised great pleasures and treasures to those who discovered it. We were excited because we were already on our way to Greece and figured that we had nothing to lose.
After decoding the message we learned that we were to start our journey at the Pink Panther Caberet at September 18 at exactly 19:00 hours. We almost missed our connecting ferry, but luckily a pikey crew member woke up Sam by caressing her arm and whispering"Ingomenista, Ingomenista..." She awoke, startled and creeped out, to say the least. Alas, thank goodness we made our connection.
Through the mist, a magical island materialized before our very eyes and we were overcome by its beauty. Rolling green mountains, exotic animals, an abundance of wasps, and the sweet sounds of the Sirens luring us ashore seemed like a dream.
Upon arrival we were greeted by a toothlees alcoholic blonde Chav who screemed "Yamos" and forced us to drink some of her Pink Poison. She claimed that it would lower our inibitions just enough so that we would later claim"What happens at the Pink Panther...stays at the Pink Panther"...She was right.
Our luggage was thrown into a bat infested cave, and we were told we could only retrieve it after we signed up for the "Booze Cruise", or ate fried eggs covered in wasp dung. After seeing people with broken bones, STD's, bloody stitches, all while boasting stories that were to X rated to comprehend...we opted for the fried eggs. As we feasted upon the wasp dung eggs we noticed that we were not the only ones who adorned a Pink bracelet. This disturbed us and the competion began.
We raced to the luxury jacuzzi for some "Sam and Brad" brainstorming. We pushed the bubble button but only pink ouzo started flowing out..Are they trying to get us intoxicated or something? We ran for the beach but they tried to charge us an exit fee. Zut Alors!!!! A beautiful merdog( kinda like a mermaid, only a dog) named Laura helped us escape the debachery of the Pink Panther, but only for a moment...
After sunning, swimming, and sipping on beers, we built up an apetite so huge we actually decided to go back to the mortifying, unwelcoming, horrific Pink Panther to redeem our three course meal coupon.(All at one time...whatever) That was our best decision yet.
At dinner we were placed with other Pink Bracelet holders and were told not to speak to eachother. The rules were strict so we started to secretly use hand signs and body language to conspire with the others. We held a secret meeting outside and created a private club called the "Pink Panther Gang", and decided to join forces to locate the hedonistic treasure.
There were 6 of us total, three couples. The first couple consited of "Eddie", a photographer for the National Enquirer/ flowy white shirt lover/ hussler/pharmacist , and "Annie" an ancient Myan ruins tour guide/ Yoga instructer/amature nude sunbather. The next couple, "Leon", a professional fictious journal writer/ gentelman's lunch coordinater/ drummer for the band "Topless Croations", and "Kelly", a beautiful scuba diver extrodinaire/person who loves to "wee in the sea"/body surfer. And of course us. "Sasha", a loud mouthed, feminist, sociologist/ vegetarian/Olympic swimmer/adrenaline junkie, and "Buster", a shy mixologist who "loves to eat whole organic chickens"/ Ninja/stuntman.
After a brief and friendly introduction, we were off to the dance floor to walk on hands, roll on floors,take off tops, sip on endless Red Hot shooters and hazelnut cocktails, fall off bar stools, and ...let's just say the rest is better described as " What happens at the Pink Panther, stays at the Pink Panther.
Day 2
After discussing the previous nights' adventures, we decided the best way to find the treasure was to explore the island on 4 wheelers. Winding roads, breathtaking beaches, rotisserie animal massacres ( those poor, poor animals!), and stunning topography enhanced our journey, well, all but the animal massacre that is.. we felt as we were getting closer to the treasure but something was missing....it was Kelly. Where had she gone??? Oh no!!!!!!, the pirates have taken her to Monkey Hell!!!!!!!!!
In our desparate search to find Kelly we realized that the only way to Monkey Hell was to swim across the treacherous petruding mounds of live sea creatures, while they lurked in the darkness below waiting to bite your feet as you swim by. We all opted for the special Italian made snorkels, all but Leon that is. His mask immediately started to leak, and he started to cry. His eyes were burning so Eddie whipped out a zip lock bag filled with presents, one of them being medicine to help deal with the pains of travelling.
We got to Monkey Hell and it was out of control. There were scorpions, monsters, flying pink Ouzo breathing monkeys, fire everywhere, and crazy pirates wearing nothing but pink speedos chanting tunes from the Buthole Surfers, all while dancing ceremoniously around Kelly. It was our duty to save her and return to our gang. But how?
We suddenly realized that our Pink bracelets were the source of all evil. We ripped them from our tan bodies and threw them in the fire. In an insant there was peace and the pirates melted into the disgusting pinkness that they had created. We were sad that the treasure was nowhere to be found, but were happy that Kelly was safe.
Later that night, over incense, ouzo, sweet wine, music (thanks Eddie), pranks, stories and tons of laughter, we realized that we had actually found the treasure after all...eachother.