Monday, February 26, 2007

My own little snowman!

Don't ask, don't tell.
Smithsonian magazine, the ultimate adventure and discovery...three issues free.

My Aruba and Brad's love love you guys!!!!!!!

Me and my Mommy. How beautiful is she? I LOVE YOU MOM!

Patron, B-Rad, and Little Bobby Fordham.

Our favorite person in the universe! We love you Evan more than anything in the whole world!

Daddy's little girl forever! I LOVE YOU DAD!!!!!

Not even a prayer could help the Bears to victory. oh well, let's have some more cocktails, shall we?

Coolest night ever!!!!!

My brother Mike, his fiance Julie and us. We had such a spectacular first night back in Chicago. Thanks for the gear mike and also for letting us eat you out of house and home.

Chips chips chips...dips dips dips. Kitty turntables and no what i'm sayins?

Another day in paradise...yeah sure.

Well well well, here it is, the CHICAGO BLOG!!!!!!!
We had so much fun at home with all of our friends and family. Too bad that the Bears had to go and screw everything up! Just kidding, as you all know too well, we weren't actually watching the game, we were fake fighting, falling down, taking crazy pictures, talking nonsense, and shooting tequila all while enjoying the company of our closest friends! We had such an amazing time with all of you and we really want to thank you for taking such awesome care of us while we were home. Also, thanks for listening to all of our stories with such enthusiasm while acting like you really care to hear yet another India story. Mom, thank you for keeping a neverending fridge that was always stocked with dips and puddings, my jelly belly really appreciates you! Shannon and guys rock! Can't wait until we can mooch off you again in May...he he he! Dad, spending time with you is always special, thanks for everything.

We love the moon, cauz it good for us! It is such a blessing to have the best families in the world as well as the best friends anyone could ever ask for. We love all of you and thank you for your support and undying blog attention! See you in May! Love, from the freakin coldest week of winter in Chi-Town! -Sam and Brad

By the way, thanks for introducing us to the best song in the world...Dick in a Box.