We love all of you!!!! Christmas is a time to be with friends and family and we miss all of you so much! However, we must admit that while we are basking in the sunshine on the island of Ko Lanta, we do not miss the Chicago weather, but do miss all of your lovely faces, the Christmas spirit, and the FOOD!!! Christmas dinner will simply not be the same tonight without the usual staples: mashed potatoes, cranberries, greenbeans, tofuturkey, real turkey, gravy, snacks, Asti Spumante, desserts, and oh my God...the stockings filled with enough candy to rot our teeth right out of our heads! Just think...we will be home soooo soon and you can all give us our Christmas presents promptly upon our arrival...lucky you! Just joking but we truly can't wait to see you all! Have a wonderful Christmas and know that we are thinking about all of you today and every day. Hugs and kisses from the most beautiful island in Thailand- Sasha and Buster
Merry Christmas my sweet sweet children. I am very sad but happy you are having a wonderful time.
Yes we had mashed potatoes,
cresants, green beans, Pasta, spiral ham and dessert!
Everyone truly misses you so much.
I don't think I can let you leave me again :(
Merry Christmas! Your presents will be waiting!
xxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoLove Mom
Hey you two! I know that it's been a while since I dropped you both a line, so I thought I would wish you a Merry Christmas. I've been reading up on the trip and it looks like you are both having an unbelievable time. It's hard to believe that we were hiking through the Alps nearly 4 months ago! Stay safe and also stay in touch.
P.S. - I had a great time at Balmers.
Sexy sexy sam as a brunette. I love it!!
hope your having afun time i really miss you guys and i got alot of presents from our family.hope you had a wonderful CHRISTMAS.dont feel bad we didnt have a white christmas either (lol).
luv you,
from brittany (getting better at the photo)(keep it up (LOL)
happy new years. sam you look great with your dark hair.brad you always look great. its uncle tom birthday today, were too old to go out! not!!! the dress you sent reilly is soo qute, we will try to get a picture of her wearing it if she willm let us. she has a mind of her own and can be quit difficult at tim es. CALL NANNY 911
love aunt kathy
Happy New Year!! I wish I could have talked to you but everytime the phone rang and we answered you were gone!! The weather here is really weird. New years day in the 50's. Took down all the decorations and its back to work tomorrow :)
I love you both madly!
Lots of hugs coming your way when you get home !!!
Love MOm
Well hi guys!...it's been so long since I've seen you two that my PMA is dwindling. It's a sad, sad day. But when you get back we will a couple of LaBatt's on good ol Kev and talk about how good it is...what you ask? Life my friends, life. Anyhoo, can't wait to see you both! And when will that be by the way?
Oh, and I called you guys, but with my long drawn-out messaging skills (hey, I like to tell stories on voice mail damn it) it cut me off so I'm sorry, but you probably got the gist of it. Or maybe you can't even get messages and there's someone in Nigeria right now wondering what the hell a flumpie is and why it's playing a rusty trombone....hmmm.
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