Well here it is... the ultimate, unbelievable, fantastic, mindblowing, obscene, blah, blah, blah, here is just a small tidbit of what we experienced while on our 20 Day Nomad Overland Safari:
Day 1
Whatever you do, DO NOT call our lovely Overland Truck a bus, or else you must buy everyone a beer! His name is Marvin, and he is a pure trooper, oh yes, he leaks, and is bumpy, and so on, but he was our home for 20 days and we loved him! After meeting all of our new travel partners and guides we were off to the Cederberg mountains in South Africa. On the road for @4 hours in the sweltering heat (little did we know that this was only the beginnnig of the heat, I guess we forgot we were going to the DESERT...duh) Armed only with inner tubes and our new buddies we were off for a lovely swim in the Olifants River. No crocs yet (so we were told), but plenty of leaches and local children who convinced us ever so politely( sure, sure) to give them our tubes. We are suckers, but those kids were so damn cute! This was our first night together, so the conversation was sparce unlike the mayonaise (he he he ...you guys know what I mean). We put up our tents and had a beautiful 1st night!
Day 2
Let's meet the team!!!!!
Mac, Mac, Mac attack- (Macneil) :our leader and excellent storyteller, guide, delagater,
rain cover-putter-onner, mechanic, and great sport (Where's squishy?), terrified of Crocs, and friend( and has a body like Paris Hilton!)
Shorty- (Patrick)- Awesome guide, cook, pool player( African rules whatever!), "has a bright future ahead of him", friend, Playa (you know he has a girlfriend in every city, just jokin' Patrick!), and cross- dresser, scared of water, spiders, "creepy crawlies", and his own shadow
Panaka-(Charl)- Cool ass guide, knows how to Braai like a champ, better pool player than Patrick, Switzerland, scared of spiders, friend
Thee group:
Team Holland, a.k.a."The Dutch", a.k.a."the Doctors":
Rogier( Britney)- Wonderful guy, friend, loves: alone time with his wife (he he he,) "What are you doing man?", tequila, good books, cars, and Britney Spears, and has a most contagious laugh, friend
Ellen (Rogiers better 1/2, he he) excellent photographer, friend, loves: the pool, Britney Spears, alone time with her husband "WRONG TENT SAM!", and mayonaise (j/k).
Judith-(Judy, although Mac is the only one who seemed to call her that) : a composed,classy, sweet, friend. She also likes to poop behind Panaka's tent...just joking Judith( We all know it was Rogier..he he he)
Team Toronto: The Canuks, the chauffers, the medics, and the poo heads? he he
Amanda (Book worm)- speed reader, organizer, friend, makes perfect smores, giving, keeps Mikey in check, Loves, and I mean Loves West Africa he he, and taking pictures of really weird shit (you know what I mean), love of Mikey's life, loves to sky dive, white water raft, kayak, quad bike, and take ridiculously long vacations
Mikey Song,( Mikey) Biltong fanatic, jizz rag wearing, hilariously funny, money collecter, pretends to be organized but we all know who really calls the shots ( sorry Mikey song...), loves to sky dive, quad bike, kayak, mountain climb, climb into certain windows in order to put jellyfish on unsuspecting beds, and in his spare time, saves lives with Amanda, also an awesome friend and coffee maker!
Team Kiwi: Seasoned traveller
Merv (Mervyn)- lives life to the fullest, great at inner-tubing, cannon balls, and listening. Loves: to travel, his wife and children, his cattle farm, Africa, hanging out with crazy youngsters like all of us. We only had him on the trip for 6 days, but he truly made an impression on us!!!! We missed you Merv!!!!! Friend!
Team Shizer : The Germans
Shizer, shizer, shizer shizer, 1 pig three, 1 pig three, how vecti shizer?, how vecti shizer? 1 pig three, 1 pig three
Claudia-( Biaaatch, he he just jokin!) absolutely awesome, friend, hot mamma, "Babes, bunnies and beer" yes folks this hottie was actually in FHM Germany. She loves: giving people shit, the bar, reading while on a Safari(o.k. I get it you were bored. There are a lot of reasons to be bored when there are elephants, giraffes, and lions right outside of you window just joking, we love you Claudia!), and travel. And she LOVES white water rafting so much that she actually cried when we did it ( I won't tell the real reason why....but let's just say #18 Oblivion, we conqured that bitch). She is amazing and funny and a smart-ass like me which is why we got along soooo well! p.s. thanks forthe bra! Friend!!!!!!!
Annemarie (Shizer, shizer, shizer) this girl is such a sweetheart! She is BRAVE, BRAVE, BRAVE. She went white water rafting down the Zambezi River ( which is the best and toughest river to raft in the WORLD), and she is afraid of water...GO Annemarie!!! We made it! Prost! She loves: Spanish culture, children, travel, nature, and long walks on the beach with squishy.( I hope she enjoyed cuddling with me under the stars in Spitzkoppe, sorry about that Annemarie!)
Koray( SHIZER SHIZER AND MORE SHIZER)- Next Zebra please, one moment please, "Coool", Mango, Banana and tangerine, loves: Windhoek (beer that is), taking 1,000,000,000's of photo's, especially of warthogs, German signs, and all other animals. He is an amzing guy and we hope to see him in Germany soon, along with the other Shizer Germans. He loves Safari so much that he stayed on marvin for an extra 5 days...i hope he missed us!!!!!
We know that all of you reading this know enough about us, but we are giong to create a profile of what WE think the others on Marvin would say about us, here goes
Team America : The Proffesional Mannequin Dealers/mixologists
Sam(Cheeky)- Everything is bigger(and better) in the USA, vegetarian,loud mouthed,quick tempered? opinionated and loves: crawling into others' tents, to give everyone shit, play pranks on people (Squishy?), travel, Brad,reading, sky diving, adventure sports ( although white water rafting has took on a WHOLE new dimension) and eating chips.And friend!!!!
Brad (B-Rad)- Funny,all around nice guy, stays out of harms way, lets Sam run the show? he he he, Loves: adventure, travel, Sam, good beer, hanging out with squishy?, sky diving, his American?/Canadian? status, taking pictures and making videos, chocolate, and taking care of Sam's drunk ass.
Well folks that is all we have for now. It is just the very small piece, but we are sooo far behind... We hope to have more soon, but please be patient!!! The picture is at the Tropic of capricorn( as it claims) ,only funny that it's invisible...I don't get it? J/K he he
wow, wow, wow! Do I ever miss you two. It's great to see that you're passing your passion, energy and charisma to the ENTIRE world!
I plan to come to Costa Rica while you're there. I need to know dates!!!
Love You Both,
Kate Klotz
Whew.....talk about adventure reading!
I can't wait to read your book!! :-)
I just printed the whole thing. I am going to read all about your adventures all over again. I have color pictures and everything this is really nice!
Miss you and love you soooooo much!
Have fun and be safe!!
Love Mommy
Dear Sam & Brad, I can not beleave my eyes all of your pictures are amazing, and I am really digging Brads mustach and gou-tee! He looks sooo dashing!hee!hee! Happy Belated Birthday Sam! Sorry I missed it, you still love me don't ya? Sam I cannot imagine geting 58 bug bites oh my God! I would go out of my mind how did you ever survive that without clawing yourself to death. I get the heebee geebees just thinking about it. Well the two of you look great I don't know where you get all of your energy from, I guess it comes natural when your still young. I love you both and good luck on the rest of your incredible adventures! Love Ya Lots! Auntie Bonnie!x/o/x/o!
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