The elusive Quetzale is a spectacular site, if you are lucky enough to spot it. This gorgeous bird is the prize of Cerra Punta, Panama and draws faithful bird watchers from all over the world. We were hoping to catch a glimpse, and even had our trusty binoculars close by at all times (thanks Mike and Julie!), but were unable to find this rather shy birdie. We have had our share of wildlife though, dont you worry about that...Ever heard of a three toed sloth? Yeah, we have seen 6 of them, two of which had babies, and all in the wild, but that part of the story will come later in the Costa Rica section of this tardy blog.

This is a spectacular view of the mountains and Volcano, just outside Cerra Punta, Panama. We decided advantagously, and certainly spontanously, to hike the 15 mile (11 hour) hike from the city of Volcan over the Volcano, through the virgin tropical RAIN forest (notice I capitalize RAIN...most humans with any level of intelligence would bring a rain jacket when hiking through a rain forest) and into the town of Boquette. Problem is, we had know idea where the trail, if you can call it that, was going to let us out. We ended up somewhere in the mountains, in the pouring rain, without any idea where we were or how we would get back to Volcan. It was too late to even consider hiking back through the jungle, and we just stood there at a crossroad, arguing which way would take us back to civilization. Then out of nowhere this clunking minivan pulled up, the owner and his son took one look at our pathetic, Gringo asses, and asked if we needed a ride. Why yes, fine young gentlemen, however did you guess? He took us to town, a 20 minute ride by car, and dropped us off at the bus stop. Our journey did not end there. No, No my friends it was just about to begin. We hailed down an old yellow school bus, jumped in and in broken spanish asked if it was going down the mountain. As kids, we both loved the Atari game "Frogger" , so jumping from city to city finding our way home only seemed like a silly little game, one in which a warm, bed bug free bed awaited us at the finish line! The school bus ride down the mountain lasted 1 hour. Once we were in the town of David, we desperately searched for a bus to take us home, but to no avail...we had just missed the last bus! We jumped on another bus ( 1/2 hour or so) going in a similar direction, hopped off and hailed a taxi for the duration of the journey. Big Mistake!!!! This guy was
pinche loco! He was zipping around like a madman all while text messaging some unlucky girl somewhere. We were terrified and and the dense fog was not doing anything to ease our tense nerves. After 40 minutes of horror we finally arrived at our 10 p.m! Frogger's got nothin on us. To bad the bedbug-free bed does not exist in Sam's world...

This is a view from our boat on Isla Bastimentos. The picture cannot even begin to show the true beauty of this magical wonderland, but I´m sure you can use your imagination!

Brad and his beautiful mommy on the uninhabited island of Zapitillos, Panama. This is the island where the first Survivor was filmed. The scenery is breathtaking as are the surrounding coral reefs. Once your boat docks and you hop onto the soft sand, you feel as if your feet are the first to ever explore this seemingly endless beach.

O.K, I have finally accepted my fate. If it can bite me, it will. This also includes animals, such as one particular dog named Barney. This picture doesn't even come close to showing all of the 250+ Sand flea, or as the locals call them
Chitras, bites I accumulated in in 6 hours time on Carenero Island. I have never in my entire life been in such itching agony! I cried myself to sleep one night, then went hysterical the next day and experienced "temperary itching insanity" (it actually exists...I swear) and told Brad I wanted to come home. What a nightmare that was. For me to actually contemplate leaving paradise, you know how truly unbearable those bites were. Don't worry, the scars last as a loving memory of Chitra Island ( so the locals call it, a bit of advice I would have liked to know BEFORE going there! ) However, I did have an amazing time on Chitra Island, minus those
pinche pests! Chitras = 258 Sam = "I want to go home" ...single tear

Fancy a nap in a hammock with your loved one? I know I do!

So sad we had to leave Bocas! Sobb sobb, choke coke, more sobb, more choke...WWWWAAAAAAAAAA! O.k. so we're babies and we got spoiled like good little babies should while we were in Panama. Now it´s back to the real travel life...sobb sobb.
We are actually in Costa Rica right now, and have been since March 3, 2007. we promise to have that lovely blog posted as soon as possible. Costa Rica is awesome, but we must move on. Off to Nicaragua!!! We'll keep you posted.
Oh my F@!king mannequin!You were being eaten alive!Where is the bug spray???You need to wear it like perfume...Soak your clothes in it....mannequin..mannequin..yeah you know what I'm talking about!!!
Brad how many did you get???
Cyn I am so Jealous!!What a great gorgeous and clean.
What a paradise!!
We did have a day in the 70's on Tuesday ") there is summer paradise at the end of this winter wonderland.
love that frog...please tell me he did not bite you also!!
Love you both so much!
Love Mom xoxoxo
YOU guys Sam the blog just made me not stop laughing. I'm glad you've got your piece of paradise. It seems you two have got a taste of the world can't wait to see you in April were the adventure will continue. I love you both so much keep up the funniest fu*c%ing blog ever. Lindo
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